Covid 19 Guideance September 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians
The Department of Education have released the guidelines for children who have symptoms of Covid-19 and also children who are close contacts of someone who has Covid-19.
Our aim is to ensure that everyone in the school community is safe, to minimise risk, and to ensure that our children's education is as least disrupted as possible. Every school context is different, and we ask that we be respectful of each other as we once again navigate a time of great uncertiality.
What happens if my child has symptoms of Covid-19?
If your child displays symptoms of Covid-19 they should stay at home. You should book a PCR Covid-19 test for them and they should self isolate until you receive the results. If the result of the test is positive your child should isolate for 10 days from the onset of symptoms.
What happens if my child is a close contact of someone who has tested positive with Covid-19?
If your child is identified as a close contact of someone with Covid-19 and your child HAS NOT TESTED POSITIVE THEMSELVES IN THE LAST 90 DAYS, they have to stay at home and self-isolate and you should book a PCR Covid-19 test for them straight away. If it is negative they can return to school. You also have to book another PCR test for your child on day 8 after they have been in contact with the person with Covid-19. If this is positive then your child has to self isolate for 10 days from the date of the test. Contact Mrs McCafferty at the earliest opportunity.
If your child is identified as a close contact and THEY HAVE TESTED POSITIVE THEMSELVES IN THE LAST 90 DAYS then your child can continue to attend school. If symptoms do develop then your child should stay at home and you should book a PCR test for them. Contact Mrs McCafferty at the earliest opportunity.
Procedure if a child or adult in a class is positive.
When the school is notified of a positive result we will first consult with the PHA and Department of Education.
Then the following will happen.
1. Everyone in the class stays at home and isolates. Parents should book a PCR test for their children immediately. If you do not wish your child to have a PCR test they must isolate for 10 days.
2. Isolation should continue until the result is available. If the result is negative the child can return to school. PROOF OF PCR TEST RESULT MUST BE EMAILED TO MRS S. MCCAFFERTY.
3. Another PCR test should be booked for day 8 after the last contact with the person with Covid-19. PROOF OF PCR TEST RESULT MUST BE EMAILED TO MRS S. MCCAFFERTY.
4. If either test is positive then the child needs to self-isolate for 10 days from the date of this test.
5. If your child has tested positive themselves in the last 90 days and they are in a class in which another person has tested positive, they can continue to attend school. If new symptoms do develop then they should stay at home and you should book a PCR test for them.
With all of the advice coming out from the government, health officials, schools and the Department of Education it can feel like an overload of information and you may also feel worried or anxious if you or your family are close contacts. Please feel free to contact Mrs McCafferty at anytime to discuss the procedures and guidelines.
Although it is not strictly guidance, I would ask that if a member of your household tests positive for Covid-19, that you strongly consider keeping your child at home for 10 days. Going on experience within the school setting, and working alongside families with children, there is a very high chance that they will inevitably contract Covid-19. I ask that you consider this in order to protect class bubbles as much as possible. Each child/staff has their own circumstances and may be going home to vulnerable family members.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Mrs S. McCafferty
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FLOWCHART 1 (6th Sep 2021) |
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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, 42 Dungiven Road, Derry BT47 6BW | Phone: 028 7134 8446