Access Keys:

Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry


19th Aug 2020

Dear Parents/Carers

We would like to thank you for your appreciation and enthusiasm in taking up our offer of an induction session for your child/children returning to school. 

It appears that people have holiday plans during that week and the allocated days do not suit them.

Many people have phoned and emailed school requesting a change of day.

We are extremely busy getting plans in place for a safe return to school, with many deadlines to meet, therefore please accept this as your reply.

We genuinely appreciate  your circumstances, and acknowledge your requests, however we want to stress that if you are on holidays or your child cannot attend the session for whatever reason, they will not be disadvantaged or miss out on any important information.

We hope to have our New School Day information sent out on Friday 21st August 2020, with all the information you will need for your child returning to school on a full time basis on 1st September 2020.

The aim of the induction was to allow small groups to be in each class to enable staff to familiarise children with the new routines and procedures.

We assure you that if your child/children cannot attend their allocated day, they will be given the same 1:1/small group attention to familiarise them with the new routines and procedures on their first day at school as they would have received at the induction session.

We sincerely hope that you understand that it is impossible for us to accommodate all the individual requests at this time.

Enjoy the rest of the holidays with your children and we look forward to seeing everyone back on the 1st September 2020.