Access Keys:

Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry


5th Jan 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,


I am writing with information regarding our provision for the remainder of this week.  I cannot make comment on next week until I get official clarification on whether schools will be closed or not. 

Nursery children can attend school as normal.

Do not send your child to school if they have any of the following symptoms: a new and continuous cough, a raised temperature or loss of taste/smell.  Children should not come to school if anyone within their household is symptomatic or awaiting a Covid-19 test or results.



Remote Learning: 6th-8th January 2021:

In line with Department of Education Guidelines, "The Department recommend that all schools aim to engage with pupils on an ongoing basis through the wide range of e-learning platforms available rather than provide hard copy or emailed resources alone, if at all possible."  We will be using the Seesaw platform for remote learning.

There will be a focus on the curricular areas of literacy and numeracy for the remainder of this week.  If remote learning is continuing next week and beyond, all curricular areas will be delivered via this platform.  More information on future provision will be shared in due course.



P1-P7 Supervision of Key worker/vulnerable children 6th-8th January:

  • If you have contacted me guarding supervision of your child/ren, you will have received a confirmation email on their place. 
  • Children should enter the school building via the P1/2 entrance only.  There they will be directed to an allocated classroom.
  • Children are not to bring digital devices into school due to child protection and internet compatibility. 
  • The children will have access to resources which are being shared on Seesaw by their class teachers.  These resources will be suitable to be completed during supervised learning in school.  Supervised learning will be taking place.  However not all content which will be shared by class teachers on Seesaw will be appropriate to be completed during school supervision. 
  • Children should wear their school uniform as normal and bring a healthy break and packed lunch, unless they are entitled to free school meals and a school dinner will be provided.
  • Primary 1 & 2 children should be collected at 2pm, while P3-P7 should be collected at 3pm.  The children will exit from the Primary 1 & 2 door.
  • Please could parents/guardians wear masks when in and around the school gates and exercise social distancing at all times.

Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.


Kind Regards,


Mrs S. McCafferty