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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry


22nd May 2020

Hi Boys and Girls,

We hope you are all keeping safe and happy, and getting on well with your learning packs at home.

We are loving seeing all your photos and reading your messages. Please keep sending them in. It's not the same as seeing you all in school, but at least we can keep in touch with each other, and of course, if you ever need any help just ask your teacher, as so many of you have been doing. 

Remember, Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th May are your days off this week, so take a break from your learning packs and have some fun, maybe even get some practice in for the Virtual Fun Day. Your teachers, teaching assistants and your Mammies and Daddies need a well earned break too.

This week then, there will just be a Wednesday note from your teacher.

I thought you might also like to know, or maybe not :) that we have your June Learning Packs ready for you.

In the meantime, God bless, look after yourselves and stay safe!

Dear Parents,

Once again, on behalf of all the staff I would like to thank you for all your kind wishes and messages of support and appreciation. We would like to reciprocate this and say thank you to you, for all your fantastic work with your children, home-schooling is no easy feat on top of home / work commitments. 

I'm sure, like ourselves you are anticipating what school will look like when it does reopen. Mr Weir has reassured us that the Department are working on guidance for reopening schools. As soon as this is released, and we have arrangements in place, we will communicate these with you.

For now, we are continuing with Learning Packs for our children.

June Learning Packs will be available to collect from school on Thursday 28th and Friday 29th May 2020 09:30 - 2:30pm.

Please use side entrance of Assembly Hall and adhere to social distancing measures.

If you are shielding or self-isolating and cannot arrange for someone to pick up your child's pack, please do not hesitate to contact school so we can make the necessary arrangements.

In the meantime, thanks again for your continued support, and we hope you all continue to keep safe and well.


M Harley