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Good Shepherd Primary School and Nursery School, Derry

Parent/Guardian support links

25th Jan 2021

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Thank you all your responses in our recent survey.  This will assist us in future planning.

A new survey for supervision of vulnerable and key worker children will be issued tomorrow and will close on Thursday 28th January at 10am for the following week.

Please access the link attached for a wide range of support information for families. These links include curricular support such as phonics, maths and reading, SEN information, home routines support, and mental health guidance.

We are living through extremely difficult times. We are aware that everyone’s circumstances are different, so please do what you can, and be kind to yourself and each other.  

The most important thing that we do is to ensure our children feel safe and loved and that we get through all this together.

Kind Regards,


Mrs S. McCafferty